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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It Depends on what is your Definition of The iss,

After all the negative ranting about Obama by Heidi Theiss, the Democrats are voting for her? Somebody connect the dots for the rest of us? Somebody said it all depends on what your definition of The iss.

Click here for the title to make sense

Politics shouldn't be this complicated.


  1. Marc in my personal opinion, it is well known that some DINOS (Dems in name only) Dinos like Tommy Cones and his group have cut a deal that they will throw their support to the tea party so they will support Tommy Cones as Mayor. No true Democrat would support candidates like this. And for the most part no true Republican (that i have talked to) would vote for the tea party slate. So what you have is Tommy Cones and his boys trying to get back some political clout so they can bring back the good old days of pillaging our city and helping Ken Clark. I believe four years of bad people is too long. Vote against 4 year terms.

  2. I sure would like to know WHO printed that poster. I would LOVE to talk to this person. ( Get me a phone number and I will call them and make sure that the county chair knows who they support) They are a disgrace to the Democratic Party of Galveston County. A disgrace !!! If it was a local club they should be a shame of that sign and their private personal agenda.

  3. Get em' Chris :)

  4. Chris, "The Dem doth protest too much, methinks"


  5. Mark, below was a posted on FB, due to the length on my repsonse, the next comment will contain my response

    A Note from LLoyd Criss regarding the illegal sign placed at Calder Road Annex in League City.

    by Lianne Russell on Monday, October 29, 2012 at 10:13pm

    It has come to my attention that someone connected to Republican Co. Chair Barbara Meeks placed a sign at the Calder Road polling location listing all of the Democratic candidates and included an alleged Democratic Party endorsement of Heidi Theiss and Geri Bentley for League City Council.

    This is a BIG LIE and a dirty trick designed to create an emotional reaction among Republican voters against these ladies. The truth is the Democratic Party does not endorse candidates in non-partisan races. Although both of these ladies are honorable people neither has any history or connection whatsoever with the Democratic Party.

    Barbara’s motives are to turn League City voter’s attention away from the candidates her party has endorsed in the League City election. One of her endorsed candidates, Mick Phalen, is an admitted Obama for President voter in 2008. He’s her candidate who has the Democratic credentials.

    The candidate her party nominated for Sheriff in the General Election somehow prevailed over a real Republican in the primary election. During the primary, Barbara called him a RINO because of his record of voting in every Democratic primary election from 2000 to 2010 including the 2008 Presidential Primary. Now he is her candidate.

    2012 more than any other election year has provided more deception and dirty tricks than ever before. Voters from both parties would be wise to take a good look at every local candidate and make their best judgment on a candidate by candidate basis based on qualifications.

    We do not publish signs for the Republican Party and Barbara and friends are out of line printing phony Democrat signs.

    Lloyd Criss, ChairGalveston County Democratic Party

  6. My response to the sign and note from Lloyd Criss:

    First and foremost, no one should cast stones, especially when they live in glass houses, where is the PROOF that the Barbara Meeks or the Galveston County Republican Party had ANYTHING to do with this sign? Shame, shame on all of you! Second, per quote “Although both of these ladies are honorable people neither has any history or connection whatsoever with the Democratic Party, then why is it that the Democratic nominee for the Sheriff and his staff/volunteers and campaigning for Ms. Theiss? I have watched this behavior, which I had no issue with until now, both all day Saturday and Monday flyers for both Pruitt and Theiss being handed out together, as well and endorsement as voters walked in to vote…hmmmm, no affiliation, right! Thirdly, how fast we forget the IMFAMOUS apology to Mick Phalen back in the middle of September…please see below, unlike you, readers can read for themselves and decide if my email to Ms. Theiss deserved and answer.

    Subject: RE: There is no excuse
    Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 10:41:03 -0500
    Dear Ms. Thiess,

    When I received this email last night, I thought, what a breath of fresh air to see a local political candidate stand up to the plate and accept full accountability. It brought renewed faith in your abilities to be a great candidate. Although I do appreciate the apology, it would have meant more if it had also been posted publically on your webpage, to ALL the people that received the email, as well as to Mr. Phalen personally.

    On your webpage posted September 5, you stated that "your team will be more open, dynamic, inclusive and fair. It will not be shrouded in secrecy, backroom deals, or dishonesty." If this is true, then why not state who the people are that are no longer associated with your campaign, that would be open, dynamic, inclusive and fair?

    As a voter, I find ALL of this controversial from your stand versus only sending me this email. Without complete openness about your former associates and not publicly apologizing to Mr. Phalen has me doubting your abilities once again. As a League City resident, I would like to see the both of you politely host an event where all views can be heard so that all voters can be informed and educated to vote in the manner that they feel is best for League City.

    Carol Price

    Lastly, why have we not looked the people who Ms. Theiss no longer allows to be associated with her campaign, only Ms. Theiss can answer to the POSSIBLE suspects for putting up the bogus sign? Me, if it happened once, why not TWICE? Dirty politics…why don’t you guys take a LONG look in the mirror?
    Oops…one last thing, Ms. Meeks does not control who the Galveston County Republicans endorses, as I cannot speak how things happen for the Galveston County Democrat Party, we Republicans have processes and steps to PREVENT this type of power. I ask ALL my fellow Republicans as, well as the Tea Party folks to share ALL of the above!
    One PISSED off Galveston County Republican VOTER

  7. Chris once again you amaze me. Tommy Cones is no more behind this sign than Jerry Shults. Tommy is firmly planted behind Heidi and would do nothing that might cause Republicans to not vote for her. This conversation brings back a childhood saying "He who smelt it delt it"

  8. Chris, it's about time you raise your head. I thought you were hiding under the bed. Glad to see you still active in politics, but I can assure you that I had nothing to do with the sign. In fact,I have been supporting Heidi. You may want to check with your candidate "Mick", he and Barbara are probally up to their old tricks. Glad to see you back on Marc's Blog.

  9. One thing is for sure, League City politics is a full contact sport and you better bring your A-Game.

  10. Mr. Cones while some have forgotten the past I tend to remember it. Very well. I noticed you were out helping your old friends at amerawaste at council. I know you are working for Ms. Theiss and I know what I said. You of all people should know a "Deals a Deal". Marc I have nothing to protest. I think y'all are a riot !! It's great watching the show from the cheap seats !! Just let the person(s) who paid for the sign fess up. But it's not gonna happen because deals have been made (Wink wink) Good try Mr. Cones but most of us know what is going on and do not wish to go back to the old ways of doing business. Shall we try another drama ??? Or maybe more of the same signs will appear on election day ?

  11. LOL Mr. Kinsey you are correct. Some of us have been doing this for a few decades ! Some would like it if we could just not remember the way things went down.

  12. Marc,
    I have no dog in the fight. Where is my motivation? Good try but poor shot.

  13. Todd, you need to bring your A Team and your B Team.

  14. I had had the pleasure to be actively involved this year in campaigning for my beliefs, which include taking a stand against publicizing of false information. Today, the facts came to light, so why is it that those who ass-u-med some did wrong will not stand as proud as they where to spread the malicious news, stand as proud to announce that they were sad

    1. Ms. Price, when i ran for mayor, Toni and I agreed no negative campaigning. We used facts and removed "the best conservative". The campaigns can be run in a civil way it all comes down to the candidate and how badly they want (or need)the office. Some do whatever it takes and some are civil. This city election is a throwback to the old days of League City politics (which i have always said is a full contact sport) We know who printed the signs, we know why, it's all about getting their person back into a position of power. Some have "many miles" to go before they sleep and because of commitments not yet done they still have "promises to keep” to those who have funded them in the past. Some want this to be a stone on their way to a higher office. Only a handful want to do what is best for our city. A shame ? Yes it is but welcome to League City politics…

    2. I think that if you want what is best for the city, then, let the town leaders do their job without all the controversy. Change the way we electioneer. Give candidates access to four thirty second spots on LC-TV and a special edition of city matters. Sponsor a televised debate before early voting. Limit campaign spending to a total of $500.00. Do not allow candidates, PAC or other outside interests to publish or drop propaganda that has been traditionally full of lies about the other guy/gal, these mail pieces just confuse the voters and cause voter fatigue. Remove any pay for the winner, no paid council seats, except the Mayor. No access to medical insurance coverage by the city. Some of the above is most likely unconstitutional, but it would make things better.

    3. Fair enough Marc. We have found middle ground !


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