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Saturday, September 29, 2012

I am disappointed in this year's campaign for League City Council this year. The Rhetoric from the Tea Party seems irrelevant to me. I can't remember when big government in League City was intrusive in my life. Further when I look at League city government, I see a city that had exponential growth in the last 10 years that is trying desperately to catch up. When I look at the operations of the city, I don't see a government that lacks transparency. I see a government that in the last 10 years whose operation has gone from Opaque to translucent. I see a staff that is working hard to catch-up with the growth of the past and plan for the future growth. All this takes money and time. I am not interested in candidates that want to say "NO" to everything in our municpal government because they are mad at the Federal Government and the budget issues it has. Municpal Government is the government that impacts us most closely and has a different purpose than that of state and federal governments. Let's not get these three types of governments confused. I chose to live here because our city delivers its services with excellence. If you call 911, in most cases an ambulance arrives within 4 minutes. If you call the police, they arrive within 4 minutes. I am a Republican and I am willing to pay my fair share of taxes to keep our city safe and prepare for the future. I am not interested in candidates that want to take us back to the stone age by reducing government in League City to untenable levels.


  1. Tea Party board member Heidi Thiess and her klaven of running mates reminds me of a darker times when you could not win an election without the endorsement of the Klu Klux Klan. Three mindless Tea Partyer's espousing the party rhetoric,which buy the way is not Conservative. It's obstructionist and destructive,preying on fears. League City deserves better,we already told Mrs. Thiess "No Thanks" at the polls. Let's tell her and and the Tea Party slate we want better than what the have to offer, AGAIN.

  2. There is gridlock that occurs when newly elected representatives vote as a block. They make pledges to anyone or any group other than the people who voted them into office to represent the elected persons best interest. The Nation, as a whole, has a bad taste in its mouth after the 2010 elections which ushered in Tea Party members into the House and Senate. The Tea Party members made pledges to Grover Norquest and his "no new taxes" group which as it has turned out is not in the best interest of the nation. As a result, many Tea Party Representatives are facing possible

  3. The idea of block voting made me shudder too. Just what we need, a
    mini-replica of the gridlock taking place in Congress. I've voted across party lines many times. I like to vote for the person, not the party. I refuse to vote for any block, we'll be held hostage by the Tea Party. I've seen exactly what that accomplishes in our state house as well as in Washington D.C.

  4. Heidi, here is a question for you. I would be interested to know why you would run for office in the League City council race so soon after your failed bid for state rep dist 24?

  5. Marc, I completely agree with you that national party politics do not translate well to municipal issues. Hence my "blithering generalities" line in front of city council and channel 16 a couple weeks ago. Also, to quote myself further, "League City voters do not want generalities about the issues. They want to know specifics about the local problems they encounter daily. ... Communicating the details will reveal a candidate's platform, not the other way around."

  6. Tea Party = The American Taliban.....

  7. Very well said Marc.

  8. Cowards identify themselves as - Anonymous! What kind of clown identifies the Tea Party with the Taliban???

  9. Jim, unfortunately these kinds of comparisons are thrown around a lot. Not a reasonable comparison at all. Most likely one basted in emotion rather than reason. Also from an anonymous source it could be anyone. However, it is part of thhe really scary League City politics.

  10. Some might think it odd that I like both the Tea Party and Occupy movements. To me they both represent dramatic objections to the status quo. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, "a little rebellion now and then is a good thing." However, I don't think my neighbors, who are concerned with issues like traffic, flood control, and crime prevention, would make much sense either of candidates who copy and paste from the Tea Party platform, or of invitations to Occupy League City!


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